Been a bit busy all week, allergy doc, dentist, working and trying to get settled back into the humdrum of life. Maybe it is not such a good idea to go run off to a resort and get spoiled for a couple days!
I took my food allergy test and I am good to go eat whatever I want, no problems there, my new crowns are adjusting and learning to eat chips and salsa and pizza just fine, a couple more months of work and I will have a million dollar smile, no really, over the 15 years I have been working on my mouth I have got to be at the million dollar mark...hahaha!
I went to Art in the park yesterday with Colleen, it is a big artist fair in boulder city. Fun stuff but expensive, we bought wine bottle stoppers then had lunch and hit Joanns for crafty junk. Nice La-De-Da day as colleen would say.
Not much planned for the month, I am going into hybernation mode, You know it was 59 degrees this morning...I am in a sweatshirt already!!!
Oh and don't forget the Barrett Jackson show is in las vegas, oct 16 to 19 at mandalay bay, charlie is taking me on friday the 17th, I can't wait to drool all over the classics I will see, I know there is a 57 bel-air out there with my name on it or maybe a 1958 plymouth fury (SK fan anyone?).
Will post pics when I go!!