We finished hooking up the bbq, put the chairs together, made a fountain, painted the lattice around pool pump, made a place to hang things when people bring all their stuff to the pool, I removed the plumbago (too big and grew way to fast) by the lion and planted some new low maintance plants, moved my tiki man to a better spot.
It took us all day to complete everything, we had to keep jumping in the pool to cool off but eventually it all got completed and it is so beautiful in the backyard and now, and I have a fountian as well!! That was a last minute addition, I had bought the big vase at a yard sale for 20.00, I knew they ran a couple hundred so I snatched it up not really knowing what I was going to do until I saw the fountain pumps at Lowes, picked one up and next thing I know we have a fountain for about 60.00 worth of supplies!! I love it!
Gotta thank my husband for all his help, he is awesome with the electric work and wired the bbq to a plug by the sliding door ran the wire thru pvc conduit right to the bbq and now it works great!