Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Well, guess I need to change my post, the new year has arrived, wow, 2012, I can remember being in grade school and writing 1977 and thinking what will the years in 2000 be like???
It was such a long way off back then!

We have lots of work to keep us busy and that is a good thing. I have just been cooking simple meals and trying to get my house back in order, took down the Christmas decorations last night, so it is cleaning all day today. I got the year end receipts all totaled and ready for the taxman!

I made a simple meal last night but we really enjoyed it so it went straight to the cooking blog, go check it out if you like Chicken broccoli fettuccine alfredo!

This year I resolve to walk on the treadmill more, and keep a clean simple house, free of clutter and junk! That's it for me. No big resolutions....just live a simple happy life.

Happy New Year everyone!


Colleen Mcgraw said...

Can't get a better resuloution than that! I promise to help you keep that resoultion

Tanya said...

Have a great day, Chica!

Mary said...

I love that resolution! If anyone can do that, you can! xoxo